You deserve a great place to work.
At Brixmor, we are committed to providing a positive work environment and helping you to be the best you can be, personally and professionally.
Our benefits are aimed at putting you first, supporting and promoting wellness, connectivity, growth and engagement.
Your feedback matters. 97% of our employees responded to our Summer 2020 Employee Engagement Survey. Your responses shape the course we take.
Leading experts from diverse fields present and discuss topics to engage and inspire your individual growth and ours as a team.
Take a day off and get an allowance to “sharpen the saw” through any type of class or experience that helps you improve personally and/or professionally.
Visit another Brixmor office with a planned professional development goal to experience another real estate function and connect with fellow employees.
In support of family, all new parents receive paid leave to welcome the new additions to their families.
Use two paid days per year to support your community as part of our commitment to social responsibility.
Improve your work/life balance with a commute that works for you.
Promote healthy habits and increase connections with each other as we engage in healthy competition with nice prizes.